
Amazingly, today is July 15th.  That means the year is well over half-gone and I’ve certainly not said anything here about how Second Quarter went, much less what’s on the docket for Third Quarter.  On the other hand, this has been a year of both inspiration *and* production – with the promise of much more to come.

Going back to the post in March, I had these as targets for the past three months:

  • Project for Jacey – DONE
  • A thing with linen – NOT DONE (but I bought linen!)
  • Shirt fabric – NOT DONE
  • Dishtowels – Half-done (that 16 yard warp is done and finshed)

On the other hand, I did manage to get another vest finished, which I think will stand in for the linen vest.  I had a great opportunity to get even more comfortable with Fiberworks and how to play with threading/tie-up/treadling to design patterns.  I also learned good lessons about color and made some improvements to my vest sewing abilities.  The second is better than the first; I can see growth.

I also will lay a bit of blame on this beauty:

I still can’t believe I have this.  And that I have a glimmer of knowledge of how to use it!  Granted, it’s been sitting idle since it came home but that’s currently changing.  A warp is going on thanks to Jeane loaning me her warping wheel and I expect to will finish that tomorrow.  I’m putting on a six yard warp and I’ll sett it for twill on all 16 shafts.  Then the fun starts.  And re-threading will be easy if I want to do something else.

Separately, I’m also going to use the warping wheel to put a long warp on the Gilmore so that I’m ready for dishtowels there as well.  And I’ve already wound a third warp that can go on the Baby Wolf for a bit of crackle play.  This all goes for dishtowels for fair – and I’ve two more weekends of dyeing and that’ll be ready as well.  Then it’ll be September and another three-month window gone.

My SOAR project is also limping along; only four bags of cotton spun up since the ginned stuff is slow, but I can backfill with the four ounces I’ve already spun.  It really does go surprisingly fast – so once Fair is behind me I can focus and get the shirt finished.  I don’t think I’ll do anything extravagant since it’s about the yarn and the shape.  But, that’ll wait until I have yarn.

But, I’ve a reason for a seemingly meager set of work – a lot of thinking.  Thinking about what gets my mind working and how to turn that into a set of tasks.  That’s the real work to take me until the end of the year.  Some writing, some reviewing, some discussing, some planning, and then a lot of working.  2014 is going to be an amazing year.  At least I hope so.  At a minimum, I’m going to learn a TON.

Ok, Lynn – please, please, please share more of what happened at NEWS.  The tidbits just aren’t enough!

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